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Friday Digital Roundup

The Friday Digital Roundup is a witty take on the weird world of the internet. With fun stories from around the globe, it’s the only email newsletter you’ll actually read and enjoy!

We do love writing it, but clearly not as much as people like receiving it - just look at the response we got when a technical hitch meant it wasn’t sent out on time!

@roisinduffyVA @roisinduffyva

Coffee and the FDR is how I start my Friday.
Do not engage until I have devoured both

Meschi Consultants @MeschiConsult

When it comes to the end of the week, there is no better way to start a Friday than with a run around the internet with Todd and Jo in the FDR. Just don't let them know I do it from the loo!

Kathryn Lynch-Smith @KikikatSmith

My inbox is full of rubbish newsletters that Im constantly deleting😬 My VIP inbox is for 1 thing only- THE DIGITAL ROUNDUP🤠I dont read a Newspaper or the news online, I just wait for Fridays, when this lands in my inbox- then I know ‘The weekend has landed’🤗

Spaghetti Blog

Saturday 15th February 2025

Even Small Businesses Need to Manage Their Customers – Why You Need a CRM

Fri 18th Jul 2014
By Todd

Updated October 2019 

We often recommend our Customer Relationship Management system, Capsule, to small businesses, so I thought I’d explain why I’m so pleased we chose such a fantastic system so you could consider using it too.


If you’re new to the idea, a CRM is just a way of keeping stuff organised. They’re used by businesses to keep on top of what’s going on with the business and track and manage customer information. It’s basically a very organised noticeboard/database with everything from emails, calls calendars and projects displayed in a clear way.


When we first started out, we knew all our clients very well and could remember everything about them (especially Todd – he has a great memory for passwords!). But when our client base expanded we knew we needed a system that would help us keep track of everything that we were doing for each client, and to help us complete work on time.

Even small businesses need to manage their customers

Even small businesses need to manage their customers

Why do we love Capsule?


It’s pretty

It has a beautifully clear and simple layout. It’s so easy to navigate, it’s completely intuitive and it looks clean. The home timeline stream of events is a great snapshot of what we’re all up to and we can clearly see which clients we have interacted with recently.


It’s visual

Each member of the team has their own profile and you can assign tasks to them and vice versa. It’s great to be able to log into just your own profile and see what you have to do having farmed out other tasks to your team, and we don’t have any post-it notes flying around the office anymore.


It’s organised

Capsule tells me what to do. My daily tasks are emailed to me first thing every morning, reminding me to get up and on with it. You can also subscribe to the calendar link, which then drops all these tasks into your iCal or similar cloud based calendar.


Capsule CRMIt’s accessible but safe

It’s backed up in the Cloud in real-time so is accessible to us but the data is securely encrypted. If you’re interested in the nitty-gritty of the security side of things that’s all here.


It’s handy

Also because it’s in the cloud we can access the details from our iPhone apps and update, interact and even call directly from the customer profile. We can be having a drink in the pub and remember that we need to do something. There are no complicated emails or to-do lists; we just add a task to the contact and carry on drinking – simple!


It’s clever

You can update Capsule by simply BCCing a special Capsule email address linked to Dropbox into all client correspondence. It then adds the email content INCLUDING ATTACHMENTS into the system so we always have an updated version of the information. I love this function as all quotes and details are automatically put into the system.


Capsule CRMIt plays nicely with other stuff

Likewise, it integrates with our accounting software, Xero. I can’t begin to explain the stress I used to experience before we went with cloud accounting. A simple Excel invoice took me a long time because I don’t like numbers. Now from Capsule we can see how much a client has been invoiced and how much is outstanding, from their profile.

Capsule also pairs up with Mailchimp so you can directly email various categories of your contacts – for example, current clients, without emailing leads or suppliers.


It’s relevant

We can spy on clients! Because Capsule pulls social media streams into the feed of information, we can see when people are posting and online. This makes it useful if we’re trying to catch up with someone because we know they’re around and can tweet them or email them. It also gives us a nice little snapshot of what they’re sharing on social media.


It can plan

We can guess the future! You can forecast sales by using the pipeline feature. This helps us stay focused on future projects and also allows us to assign a potential monetary value to it too. It’s also a nice handy list to have in a separate place so we can make sure we’re not forgetting anything.


It’s easy

Another handy thing is that I can have a meeting or call and add the details to Capsule, and any of the other team members can just read my notes later – so there’s no need for lengthy catch-up meetings. Our clients get a slick operation and we look like an organised team – it’s a win-win for our business!


All in all, Capsule CRM keeps our minds full of the important stuff like marketing ideas and strategic business growth while all the customer interactions, calls, emails, projects, jobs, potential work and all their details are kept organised and ready to remind us what’s happening next.


We love our CRM. The simple operation and neat integration with our iPhones, Dropbox, and Xero invoicing is life-changing and helps us run our business more smoothly.

If you’d like to have a look at Capsule, use this affiliate link and let us know what you think.
Capsule CRM




And it’s cheap!

I haven’t even got to best part yet. At only £12 per month (October 2019) per user it’s cheap as chips!

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4 comments on this article

  • Jo Hanson at 10:44am on July 19th 2014

    Hi Todd /Jo

    This sounds similar to the 5PM (project management) tool: which I have used to organise projects etc, although the CRM seems to offer a lot more advance links and accessibility.

    There appears to be more flexibility to share information instantly and has wider links to clients in one place. In my design team we currently use Dropbox to sent through large files, and share information, so it is certainly beneficial to have a connection between the two.

    Although the CRM sounds handy for small businesses, I think this will make a good project tool for in-house teams in larger businesses. Perhaps also useful for those who have a side businesses, so by providing more accessibility gives the opportunity for freelance workers a way to organise themselves.

    I agree that managing the accounts side is usually the more tedious part, so any tool to help with this can be more time effective. I will let you know how we get on with the tool. Thanks 🙂

    1. Graham Todd at 14:11pm on July 19th 2014

      Thanks, Jo.

      Another reason we love Capsule CRM so much is the great team behind it. They’re always around to help and I’m always amazed at the speedy response on email and Twitter.

      Let me know how you get on…

  • Manoj Ranaweera at 20:28pm on August 30th 2016

    Hi Jo,

    You have nicely rounded up CapsuleCRM. is the third company at which I am using CapsuleCRM. When we first launched our service, we decided to support CapsuleCRM before anyone else.

    CapsuleCRM lacks a great sales pipeline experience. If you ever looked at Pipedrive’s pipeline, you know how great it is. This is what we build first. Then we unified lot more software services to create Single Customer View, or aka, Customer 360º view.

    We’ve also created Lists (tags) which allows you to view many lists next to each other. Each list could also be turned into Single Customer View.

    Do let us know if you like to peek.

    Many thanks

    1. Todd at 18:05pm on September 3rd 2016

      Thanks, we’ll take a look

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