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Friday Digital Roundup

The Friday Digital Roundup is a witty take on the weird world of the internet. With fun stories from around the globe, it’s the only email newsletter you’ll actually read and enjoy!

We do love writing it, but clearly not as much as people like receiving it - just look at the response we got when a technical hitch meant it wasn’t sent out on time!

@roisinduffyVA @roisinduffyva

Coffee and the FDR is how I start my Friday.
Do not engage until I have devoured both

Meschi Consultants @MeschiConsult

When it comes to the end of the week, there is no better way to start a Friday than with a run around the internet with Todd and Jo in the FDR. Just don't let them know I do it from the loo!

Kathryn Lynch-Smith @KikikatSmith

My inbox is full of rubbish newsletters that Im constantly deleting😬 My VIP inbox is for 1 thing only- THE DIGITAL ROUNDUP🤠I dont read a Newspaper or the news online, I just wait for Fridays, when this lands in my inbox- then I know ‘The weekend has landed’🤗

Spaghetti Blog

Saturday 15th February 2025

Marketing Isn’t About Sales, it’s About Memories…

Wed 4th Oct 2017
By Todd
Marketing, Social Media, Storytelling

Most of our new business comes from marketing. Most of our marketing works. But it’s not an overnight thing and you’d be forgiven for thinking of giving up right now if it hasn’t worked for you yet.

It was about 5 years ago that I started working on a local community project, and it was about 5 years ago that I met the then Mayor of Warwick. Trudy Offer (as she was then) was a very social Mayor and we connected on Twitter.

A few weeks ago, I got an email from Trudy with a lead for some work for us.

5 years later.

Now, it’s not that she simply stumbled upon me in a pub (although it’s amazing she didn’t), it’s because she remembered Jo and I and knew we’d be the people to help with the issue she had.

She remembered me.

Marketing Isn't About Sales, It's About Memories…

Marketing Isn’t About Sales, it’s About Memories…

Marketing isn’t about sales, it’s about being remembered

Think about it. If you need something right now, you might turn to Google, you might already have someone in mind.  Just by chance,  you may well see something on social media, in the press, or meet someone who does exactly what you need.

It’s a chance thing.

There’s just a chance that you might remember us when you need social media training, or you’d like some advice on small business marketing. There’s a chance, and it’s a chance I don’t want to take lightly.

Our marketing at Spaghetti Agency is all about being memorable. I want us to be the first people you think of when you, or someone you know, needs help with small business social media and marketing.

Marketing helps me to be remembered.

Last year someone bought from me 25 years after meeting me. Back then, I didn’t even do what I do now.  Social media helped me stay memorable.

Just last week I was tweeted by someone I met in 2009, in need of social media training for their company.

I was tagged on Facebook by a guy called Daniel who saw me speak in London a couple of years ago, and invited me to speak at his networking event. Two years after we first met, he has a new opportunity for Spaghetti Agency.

We recently launched a very successful ‘Social Media Summer Camp’ and then the new ‘Spaghettiville’ online community. The people who bought from us came from both old and new social media connections, old email subscribers and networking connections.

We work very hard at being remembered and when we had something that suited them, they bought it. We didn’t wait to email them or talk to them on social until we had something to sell though. We’re constantly sending out content like this to help our email list, our audience and anyone who comes across us by chance. It’s a relationship thing.


Marketing isn’t about selling, it’s about remembering

Here’s what we do on a weekly basis:


  • Blog – then share that content on social media and with our email list
  • Email – Twice a week (this blog) and the Friday Digital Roundup
  • Network – 2-3 times a week to meet new people
  • Social media – Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook (including Pages and Groups)
  • Speaking at events – both free and paid events, and networking meetings
  • Video – including Instagram, YouTube and Facebook Live


… and a lot of cross-posting and sharing too!


The point is this: it’s not spam – it’s all value that keeps us useful and front of mind.

  • This blog is free advice and content that will help your small business
  • The Friday Digital Roundup is a free email that makes you laugh on a Friday
  • At networking events, we offer advice and then follow up with more of the same
  • Our social media is a conversation to chat to people we meet and have already met
  • I speak at events to add value and keep people talking about us
  • Then we’ll create videos to share on various platforms, answer questions with or simply amuse and entertain our audience.


We’re just keeping you interested until you have something to send our way.


Marketing is about being remembered, it’s not about sales

If you go for the sales, what do you think will happen? If you use social media, email marketing and networking to sell to people who aren’t ready to buy, what do you think will happen?

You’ll push people away and then you won’t be around to remind them you exist. Even if you’re perfect for them, you’ll be off their radar, someone else will be around and you’ve lost your chance to work with them or a connection they’ve had.

Your job is to stay front of mind, not sell your way into the mind.


You might already be doing a great job of marketing

Something I’m finding myself saying to a lot of people lately is “You’re doing okay”.

Just because your marketing isn’t bringing in business now, doesn’t mean it won’t in the future. Your job as a marketer is not to sell, it’s to stay front of mind until they buy.

As long as you’re adding great value, sharing good content, showing you’re an authority or expert in your field, and you’re doing what you say you can do – you’ll get business.

Sure, you should always look at what you’re doing and how you can improve it, but if you’re consistently adding great value, people will notice you.

Building your list, your following and your connections is the key. Keep doing that and then keep adding value to them. When they’re ready, you’ll do well.

Yes, occasionally sell. Send an email with a big sales message, but keep those for when you really need to.

Remember: marketing isn’t about sales, it’s about being remembered.

Do people remember you when they need what you do? Or did they unsubscribe and unfollow a while back and forget you?

Tags associated with this article

Marketing Social Media Storytelling

3 comments on this article

  • maggie at 10:48am on October 5th 2017

    This was such a great blog, thank you! It reassured me that I am generally doing things the ‘right’ way… and reminded me that I really do need to get onto my blog again 🙂
    Looking forward to reading more!

  • Grace Edgar at 11:47am on October 5th 2017

    Thanks for the ongoing updates on your acheivements and the new things you guys do.
    love the family links too baby girl getting big!

    1. Todd at 9:52am on October 11th 2017

      Thanks Grace. We so pleased it’s adding to your timeline 🙂

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