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Friday Digital Roundup

The Friday Digital Roundup is a witty take on the weird world of the internet. With fun stories from around the globe, it’s the only email newsletter you’ll actually read and enjoy!

We do love writing it, but clearly not as much as people like receiving it - just look at the response we got when a technical hitch meant it wasn’t sent out on time!

@roisinduffyVA @roisinduffyva

Coffee and the FDR is how I start my Friday.
Do not engage until I have devoured both

Meschi Consultants @MeschiConsult

When it comes to the end of the week, there is no better way to start a Friday than with a run around the internet with Todd and Jo in the FDR. Just don't let them know I do it from the loo!

Kathryn Lynch-Smith @KikikatSmith

My inbox is full of rubbish newsletters that Im constantly deleting😬 My VIP inbox is for 1 thing only- THE DIGITAL ROUNDUP🤠I dont read a Newspaper or the news online, I just wait for Fridays, when this lands in my inbox- then I know ‘The weekend has landed’🤗

Spaghetti Blog

Saturday 15th February 2025

How To Create The Perfect Instagram Bio In 2023

Mon 5th Dec 2022

Social media bios have come a long way over the last couple of years. With a limit of 150 characters, Instagram bios are small but mighty and should be used wisely to attract new followers and potential customers. Your social media bio is one of your first opportunities to make an impression on your audience so to help you to put your best foot forward, we’ve put together a guide to creating the perfect Instagram bio in 2023.

How To Create The Perfect Instagram Bio In 2023

How To Create The Perfect Instagram Bio In 2023


Why does my Instagram bio matter?

Your Instagram bio, along with your profile photo, is one of the very first things that people see when they stumble across your account. Whether that be night-time scrolling, lunch break searching, or a potential new client looking for some help.

When it comes to personal Instagram accounts, it’s common to see a partner’s name (cringe), a favourite emoji, some overplayed song lyrics or #mumto2, but you’ll need something a little beefier for your business account if you want to make an impact.

Your Instagram bio is like your storefront and should encourage and inspire trust in other users interested in your brand. Your potential followers will evaluate you and decide whether you’re worth their time, so our bio needs to compel visitors to act, whether that’s to click the link, browse your products, contact you, visit your location, or simply follow your account.


What should I include in my Instagram bio?

Firstly, we recommend keeping things tidy, to the point, and memorable. We’re not writing a Tinder bio here, so it needs to be consistent, grammatically correct, PG, and on-brand.

Instagram bios are discoverable using keywords, so including your job title and industry or niche is a great way to get yourself out there and appear in suggested profiles. It can also help give your account more focus and connect you with like-minded followers.

We’ve included five steps to creating the perfect bio based on some popular trends:

1.     Think about what your products and services do to help people

None of us particularly enjoy writing about ourselves (unless your name is Todd) but your Instagram bio is a perfect opportunity to entice new followers and capture the attention of anybody browsing. Having a short but punchy bio can help in other elements of your social media and marketing too.

  • Before you create an Instagram bio, it’s important to think about the services or products that your business delivers and how they help people
  • List your USPs/values and identify what makes you different.
  • Write down a couple of words relevant to your business or service. This will be helpful when it comes to writing a short and snappy description.

2.     Include a personal description

If you’re known for what you do, we suggest adding a personal description to your bio. This can be helpful if you’re the face of your business or want to add a personal touch to your profile. People love people, so make it known that you’re the person behind the business if that’s what you’re comfortable with.

You could include your:

  • Job title.
  • Position in the company.
  • The ways your brand stands out.
  • What kind of content you’ll be sharing.
  • Hobbies and interests.
  • Background information.
  • A sprinkle of personality – throw some emojis in there if that’s what you’re about.

Technically, you have two names on Instagram that sit above your Instagram bio. One is your Instagram handle, which you choose when you sign up for Instagram and have to change in your Settings. The other is your Instagram profile name. The profile name is editable to add keywords or descriptions if you want to. For example, if you’re a photographer, adding your profession “photographer” and your town in your profile name makes it easier for people looking for a local photographer to find your Instagram account.

3. Don’t waste any of your precious characters with unnecessary info

To avoid wasting your precious characters on links, we recommend setting yourself up a Linktree. Linktree is a fully customisable bio link that can be set up and added to your profile in minutes. Here you can add your social media profiles, website, newsletters, products, Only Fans, (we don’t judge) blogs, events, playlists, YouTube channels, TikTok, workshops and anything else you can think of, all in one place.

Adding links to Instagram posts is about as useful as a chocolate teapot as you can’t click them. Nobody is going to attempt to copy and paste a link from a post, so you need to make it easier for them to access what they’re looking for.

Simply create an account, add your platforms to your Linktree profile, and you’re good to go. You can take a look at ours for some inspo.

Remember that no one is going to plough through a long paragraph of words so include line breaks, spaces, emojis, and anything that makes it easier to read.

4.     Use the CTA buttons on your business profile.

Another way to keep the word count down is to make full use of the CTA buttons on your profile.

  • Make sure you keep your contact details up to date and set reminders to review them every so often.
  • Add a suitable contact number using the call feature. Users can call you directly from the app this way.
  • If you’d rather receive enquiries via email, you can add an email button rather than the call feature.

5.     Create your own hashtag for UGC

We all use hashtags, some of us a bit too much, but adding a branded hashtag to your bio can be a great way to gain trust, gather feedback and encourage User Generated Content (aka UGC). We’ve been using #TeamSpag? for a while now and have gathered a selection of posts under our hashtag. You can read all about UGC in our recent blog.



How to change your Instagram bio

Now you have some ideas on what to include, it’s time to switch your old bio with something a bit jazzier. To change your Instagram bio, you’ll need to go into your Instagram app and go to your profile as shown below.

Click on the ‘edit’ button.


How to change your instagram bio - step 1

Now you should be able to see your lovely, branded profile and bio. Click edit profile to access the next step.

Here you can edit your bio to include the information, contact details, links, and CTA’s that we suggested above.

Make sure to click ‘done’.

Voila – new Instagram bio complete.

Whatever approach you decide is best for your Instagram bio, it’s worth investing some time and effort into the process. As your business grows, we recommend setting some time aside every couple of months to check everything is still relevant. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback either, it may be helpful to ask a few people for their first impressions of your profile so you can make any necessary changes.

Want some inspiration? This ridiculously comprehensive list includes example bios for all types of industries and you’re sure to find something to swipe from it.



If you need some help with your social media, you can read our blogs or get in touch, we know a thing or two.

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